This site is published by HUTTOPIA SA, a company with a share capital of €7,814,792.40, registered on 11/10/1999 in the LYON Business and Companies Register under RCS Lyon number 424 562 890
Address: rue du Chapoly, 69290 SAINT GENIS LES OLLIERES
Telephone : 00 33 (0)4 37 64 22 33
EU VAT number: FR 15 424 562 890
Publishing Director and Editorial Manager: Céline Bossanne
This site is hosted by the company OELIS, 178, Boulevard Antonio Vivaldi, 42000 SAINT ETIENNE
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The contents of the site are the property of HUTTOPIA SA, who is the sole holder of the intellectual property rights over its content.
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HUTTOPIA SA takes particular care to ensure the accuracy and truthfulness of the information published on this site and to keep the site up to date on a regular basis. Erroneous information or omissions may be observed, however, in particular due to typographical or layout errors. If you notice any errors, we invite you to let us know, so that the appropriate corrections can be made.
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Games And Competitions
At times, HUTTOPIA SA may offer contests, free games and promotions on the site. They are subject to special conditions which can be found on the related Internet pages.
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In order to facilitate access to other sites providing additional information, HUTTOPIA SA may insert a number of links into the site. However, it cannot be held liable for a third party site to which the Internet user has access via this site. Since HUTTOPIA has no means of controlling the content of these sites, it is not responsible for their unavailability, content, advertising or other elements.
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These conditions are governed and interpreted according to French law.
General Clause
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For any comments on the functioning of the Site, contact Huttopia:
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– By email for subjects related to personal data at the following address:
– By post at HUTTOPIA, Service Internet, Route du Chapoly, 69290 St Genis les Ollières, France.
Photo credits
© Pierrick VERNY
© Image&Co Eric MEGRET
© Céline VAUTEY
© Sébastien Nestolat
© Elisabeth Gayard
© Tom Haugomat